Prof. Dr. Marie Brechbühler Pešková

Prof. Dr. Marie Brechbühler Pešková is a graduate of the Master Program Economics and Management at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. Thanks to intensive exposure to a multinational environment through the foreign lecturers, fellow students from abroad and studying at partner Universities for a period of time she developed strong intercultural skills and competences related to the topic of international business.
After her Master’s degree she pursued her PhD. in the field of international expansion strategies at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

After a few years of professional experience in the international business consulting, Marie came back to the academia. She has been working for the School of Business of the Bern University of Applied Sciences as a faculty member since 2007. Today she is head of competence team “Strategy and Innovation” and continues teaching and working on her research projects in the field of global corporate sustainability.

Her recent research areas cover the fields such as the development of sustainability indicators (concerning social, environmental and economical aspects), renewable energy, efficient use of resources, cleaner production, etc.

Prof. Dr. Marie Brechbühler Pešková has considerable experience in the management of large projects involving the participation of numerous experts across various countries.

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