News archive
Birth Giving Innovation Marathon at FEM CZU: Students to Develop a Strategy for Presidential Visits
On February 11, 2025, students of the Innovative Entrepreneurship program will face an extraordinary challenge.
Prof. Ing. Lukáš Čechura, Ph.D., Assumes the Role of Dean of FEM CZU Prague
On February 1, 2025, prof. Ing. Lukáš Čechura, Ph.D., takes over the leadership of the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

Important Dates of the Summer Semester
Schedule of the Summer Semester for academic year 2024/2025 for Faculty of Economics and Management in Prague.

The Election Results for the Position of Dean FEM
Announcement of the election result for the position of Dean FEM.
Events calendar
8. february - saturday
- Job Seeker 21. Century - Career Fair edition /ENG; online/ online 18.2.2025
- Why Do We Cry? Understanding the Journey of Tears Green Lounge, Library (zelený salónek) 19.2.2025
- Mastery of Chance events - Veletržní edice /CZE; in-person/ lib 259 (knihovna) 19.2.2025
- Mastery of Chance events - Career Fair Edition /ENG; inperson/ lib 259 (knihovna) 21.2.2025
- Jak se hledá práce na veletrhu /CZE; online/ MS TEAMs 24.2.2025
- Proč brečíme? Cesta k porozumění pláči Zelený salónek, knihovna 26.2.2025