The Wageningen University and Research challenges doctoral and master students to Design the Ultimate Urban Greenhouse.
You have a unique opportunity to join the world leader in sustainable solutions and compare your capabilities and knowledge with the best teams from around the world to the expert committee and investors from Wageningen UR. You have an opportunity to be a part of the solution to the global problem of deteriorating agricultural conditions and threats of food shortages for humanity.
WHAT is the goal of the project? To prepare an innovative and functional design of a professional greenhouse-based urban agricultural production, so-called urban greenhouse, which will provide food to the neighborhood. The inclusion of local and renewable energy sources and motivation for so-called circular city is a necessary part of the sustainable design.
WHO are we looking for? Doctoral or Master’s students who are interested in sustainable development and design and who could create a team for the project. The fields we need to include for the project are greenhouse systems; plant production; urban agriculture; ecology; renewable energy sources, waste systems and their use; environmental economics; information systems ... and others.
Within this project we aim to share ideas, knowledge and experiences and besides that to also have fun together for successful realization of the project.
WHEN the project will be realized?
Reporting your interest - by 24.11.
Team Registration - until 30.11.
Design preparation: February - August 2018
Presentation of the solution: August 2018
WHY to join?
- to participate on such a prestigious competition under the auspices of the University of Wageningen
- the opportunity to contribute to groundbraking solutions to global challenges in the area of sustainable food production and urban systems
- if our solution wins, we will get founding of its actual translation into reality, not to mention the prestige in both the scientific and professional spheres of becoming successful researchers
- possibility of financial evaluation, further specified according to the final team composition
HOW to register?
For registration please contact Ing. Lucie Dudáková by e-mail -, don’t forget to include a short comment about your motivation for the project, specification of your major and interests and experiences in the field. The deadline for registration of your interest is 24thNovember.
On Monday 27th November meeting of candidates - team building and registration preparation.
All necessary information you can find here.